Part of the 'Year of Physiology' IUPS
PANAM Physiological Sciences 2023
November 27-30
Puerto Varas, Chile
Hosted by Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias Fisiológicas (SCHCF) and Asociación Latinoamericana de Ciencias Fisiológicas (ALACF)
ANNOUNCEMENT Individuals who have completed their undergraduate or postgraduate studies in the last 6 months or 2 months, respectively, will be able to register for the conference using the registration fee intended for Students. This option is provided for those who are in an initial or intermediate phase of adaptation as they commence their professional careers or postgraduate programs.
OBITUARY It is heartbreaking to announce the sad passing of Prof. Enrique Forero, President of the Regional Focal Point for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Scientific Council (RFP-LAC-ISC). Enrique fully committed to attend and support PANAM 2023 conference. Enrique was a dedicated leader who worked tirelessly to open opportunities for regional development in science, education, and culture. His contributions have left a lasting impact and he will be remembered for his passion and commitment to advancing knowledge in the Latin American and Caribbean region. Our thoughts and condolences to Enrique's family, friends and colleagues. Thank you, Enrique (R.I.P.). September 5, 2023
PANAM Sponsors

Inaugural lecture
Closing lecture
Monday 27
Tuesday 28
Wednesday 29
Thursday 30
Welcome letter
Register for PANAM Physiological Sciences 2023
You will be on the email list to receive updates
ANNOUNCEMENT Individuals who have completed their undergraduate or postgraduate studies in the last 6 months or 2 months, respectively, will be able to register for the conference using the registration fee intended for Students. This option is provided for those who are in an initial or intermediate phase of adaptation as they commence their professional careers or postgraduate programs.
The Pan-American Physiological Sciences 2023 (PANAM Physiological Sciences 2023) is the major scientific meeting in physiological and medical sciences for the Americas for 2023. This meeting is held every four years, and 2023 meeting in Chile follows 2019 in Habana, Cuba, and 2014 in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.
General topics:
Systems physiology & pathophysiology
Cardiovascular diseases
Immunology & Cancer
Diabetes mellitus
Respiratory and Neurophysiology
Free radicals & oxidative stress
Vascular physiology & pathophysiology
Muscle physiology & pathophysiology
Renal & gastrointestinal physiology
Biochemistry & biophysics behind physiology
Pregnancy & programming of diseases
Preterm birth
Diabetes and obesity in pregnancy
Endocrine & metabolism
BigData & AI in physiology
Translational medicine and basic sciences
Education in physiology
Labwork in physiology
Preparation Guidelines
Posters Preparation Guidelines
Grow Your Vision
Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction.
Double click to edit and add your own text.
Poster Communications per day
Key deadlines
October 15
August 31
September 1 - October 15
October 16 - November 26
ANNOUNCEMENT Individuals who have completed their undergraduate or postgraduate studies in the last 6 months or 2 months, respectively, will be able to register for the conference using the registration fee intended for Students. This option is provided for those who are in an initial or intermediate phase of adaptation as they commence their professional careers or postgraduate programs.
Fellowships from the IUPS are available for students presenting at PANAM 2023.
Please contact panamchile2023@gmail.com before the deadline for Abstract submissions (October 15th, 2023)

Prizes to best communications are to be granted to those presenting at PANAM 2023.
Please contact panamchile2023@gmail.com before the deadline for Abstract submissions (October 15th, 2023)
As sponsors of PANAM Physiological Sciences 2023, ADInstruments is pleased to announce the “Tony Mackinght Award”. Named after the founder of our company, an esteemed physiologist, Tony’s dedication and passion for physiology inspired the award.
The prize is worth USD 500 and goes to the best work in Education in Physiology.

Fellowships from ELSEVIER are available for students presenting at PANAM 2023.
Please contact panamchile2023@gmail.com before the deadline for Abstract submissions (October 15th, 2023)
ANNOUNCEMENT Individuals who have completed their undergraduate or postgraduate studies in the last 6 months or 2 months, respectively, will be able to register for the conference using the registration fee intended for Students. This option is provided for those who are in an initial or intermediate phase of adaptation as they commence their professional careers or postgraduate programs.